Applied and Creative Studies

The Creative Studies consists of Fine Arts, Design & Technology and Food & Consumer Education. We offer Vistarians a myriad of possibilities and opportunities to develop their creativity in Aesthetics, Design, Food Science and Consumerism.
We aim to develop every Vistarian as a creative and confident person, possessing visual literacy which enables him or her to observe the ever-changing environment with increased awareness and aesthetic sensitivity.
We also encourage Vistarians to Perceive, Communicate and Appreciate the Arts and Design. Our mission is to Enable, Engage and Empower our students. The Creative Studies provides Vistarians with 3 authentic experiences in their course of studies.
They are:
- NV Arts Experience
- NV Design & Technology Experience
- NV Food and Consumer Education Experience
The NV Arts Experience
The NV Visual Arts Experience is designed to allow students to have a meaningful learning experience, where they are exposed to a variety of art forms in the real world and to try their hand at creating a piece of work that they may call their own.
The Arts Enrichment programme in North Vista Secondary engages each student by taking them on exciting customised learning journeys to art museums and galleries to cultivate their appreciation of the arts. These programmes are selectively tailored to give students a better understanding of the ways which modern art communicates the ideas behind works. Through the exposure and knowledge of new artists, the NV art department hopes that students will be inspired and motivated to create something meaningful for themselves.
The NV Design & Technology Experience
Design and technology is the study of the production of man-made objects to solve real human needs. The production of these objects is carried out through the creative disciplined strategy called the design thinking process that focuses on user empathy and stretches the student imagination to the fullest. D&T provides an exciting platform for student to define the scope of their project based on a given theme. They are then guided to ideate, develop and finally construct a prototype.
Technological areas of Electronics, Mechanisms and Structures are also incorporated into the design where necessary. To further enrich the learning experience, the students go on learning journeys to provide them with unique learning experience from different perspective. Students also take part in design competitions organised by polytechnics to apply what they have learnt in the real world. D&T is dynamic and challenges the curiosity of the student to find out what might be better solutions for human needs.
It trains the confidence of student to venture into the unknown. The curriculum of Design and technology aims to develop students as self-directed learners, concerned citizens as well as active contributors to the fast changing world.
The NV Food and Consumer Education Experience
The aim of the Food & Consumer Education (FCE) is to empower students to take responsibility in making choices and decisions about health and daily needs. Food science experiments, culinary practical sessions as well as student-directed learning via the internet are ways which students gain knowledge and develop new ideas in the coursework.
The 21st Century Skills such as the critical thinking skills, analytical skills and decision-making skills are also developed in our students as they work through their coursework. This hands-on approach, which the teachers adopt, allows students to relate and apply the knowledge gained in real-life situations.