Physical Education & Sports Science Department

Physical Education & Sports Science Department
Singapore Sports School’s PE and Sports Science Department continues to pride itself on a holistic curriculum that aims to inculcate the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle in all Vistarians. Physical Education is shared with the students based on the pillars of Rigour, Relevance and Reflective Learning. Our curriculum and programmes were designed to Engage, Excite and Enrich students, as we worked towards the ultimate goal of teaching them values through sports and games.
In line with the revised PE curriculum, our department continued to plan 12 to 16 hours of engaging and affective learning for each sport that the students learnt. Besides the usual staple of Athletics, Netball, Football, Badminton and Basketball, students also tried newer sports like Ultimate Frisbee, Floorball, Tchoukball and Tag Rugby. On top of that, students had the opportunity to create games and also learn disability sports like Goalball and Seated Volleyball. Some of these sports that the students learned would culminate in an interclass game, so that students would get the opportunity to display their values of friendship, respect and excellence that they had learned through their journey of learning the sport.
For Outdoor Education, students tried their hand at orienteering and outdoor cooking skills in preparation for their adventure camps. Progressive fitness training is key to the students’ NAPFA preparation and game-based functional fitness embedded in their sporting drills.
The Vistarian Road Run is an annual sports event that promises and delivers opportunities for competition, fun, fitness and camaraderie.
2018 – Vistarian Road Relay (Mixed)
2019 – Vistarian Road Run (Bicentennial challenge)
2021 – I’mPOSSIBLE Buddy Run (in support of the Singapore Disability Sports Council)
2022 – Vistarian Road Relay (Interclass competition)
2023 – Vistarian Road Run (Individual event/Fun run)
Exercise and Sports Science (ESS - 6081)
Our school offers the O’ Level subject of Exercise and Sports Science as an Elective subject since its inception in 2018. The course aims to impart basic sports science knowledge and physical skills in two physical activities (one individual and one team sport) to students who are interested in learning about human movement and sports. They have the opportunity to compete at various sporting events such as the Combined Schools Meet and the N1 Cluster Games to hone their skills through competitions.
To make learning authentic, our ESS students are given the opportunity to organize and participate in the annual NV PE & SS Conference, an annual event which brings all the ESS students in Singapore together for an afternoon of learning and activities.