Character & Citizenship Education
Character and Citizenship Education (CCE)
The Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) curriculum in NV aims to develop Vistarians of Character through the provision of holistic experiences in the affective domains. Taking reference from the CCE Curriculum Frame, we strive to inculcate our school values of Care, Resilience, Respect and Responsibility through the provision of pervasive, meaningful and engaging activities across a wide spectrum of student experiences.
This includes the weekly CCE lessons, key student development experiences, IP subjects and opportunities created for establishing Teacher‐Student Relationship. All these aims to nurture Vistarians of Character who learn, strive and contribute for a better future.
We adopt a whole‐school approach to CCE, based on the fundamental belief that every staff member is responsible for developing the character of our students through our daily interactions with them. Professional development helped equip every teacher with the knowledge and skills to facilitate discussions and reflections. This helps to promote students’ voices and empower students to make sound decisions, strengthening Social‐emotional competencies.
It is important to affirm students who display strong character and positive values. Hence, the school recognises students’ good behaviour through the school‐based Values Ambassador Award (VAA) and MOE Edusave Character Award (ECHA). The VAA is given to deserving students who espouse the school values of Care, Respect, Discipline and Enterprise and who have good character. Likewise, the ECHA aims to recognise students who are role models in their conduct or who have demonstrated strong values. In addition to this, the NV STAR Programme aims to also recognize students who display the school values.
Education & Career Guidance
Education and Career Guidance (ECG) plays an integral part in student development at Singapore Sports School.
The ECG curriculum at NV aims to achieve the following learning outcomes:
- Understand the importance of achievements, participation and non‐academic involvement in school.
- Nurture one’s self‐awareness, self‐directedness and life skills to set wise goals.
- Explore career interest and match it to prospective jobs. Plan the education pathway to attain the choice of career.
- Inculcate an appreciation for the value of all occupations and how they contribute to the well‐functioning of society.
- Equip the students to make responsible decisions regarding post‐secondary education and engage career stakeholders.
To support Vistarians in making responsible decisions to achieving their goals and aspirations, the school provides various platforms to enrich and empower them.
Career Seminar
Career Seminar seeks to provide participants with insights into the world of work, create opportunities for them to engage with professionals from various industries and fields, in a bid to increase their awareness of the tenets of different professions and industries. Through this, graduating students gain insights from professionals from different industries and learn more about the tertiary education courses of their choice. We also invited speakers from various diverse fields including Deejay’s from 987 FM to inspire students on possible career opportunities.
Elective Modules
The main focus of elective modules is to give students valuable exposure and information on their choice of industry. The modules aim to affirm their interest or broaden their career choices and opportunities. At the end of the workshop, students develop a realistic outlook in terms of career prospects which enables them to choose education pathway wisely. Thee Applied Learning Modules (ApLM) with Sec 3 NA & NT students involved a 3‐day workshop in ITE and Temasek Polytechnic. Our students learnt valuable skills in IT, Engineering and Business domains. In addition to this, we organized Category B Modules for our Sec 2 NT & NT students to learn lifelong skills through the Barista, Aeronautical and Deejay Programmes.
ECG Counselling
Our ECG Counsellor, Miss Pan Miaohua, supports students (individually or in small groups) with the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed decisions for a smoother transition to further education or work. She worked extensively with our students for Direct‐School Admission for JC and Early Admission Exercise for both Polytechnic and ITE education.
Cyber Wellness at NV
Social networking sites, online games, video‐sharing sites and devices such as mobile phones and tablets are now common fixtures in our students’ lives. In Singapore, by the age of fifteen, most youths are connected online via their smart phones.
The digital lifestyle and the evolving nature of social media have also given rise to a set of emerging and complex issues that can have an adverse impact on our students’ well‐being.
Cyber Wellness programme at NV aims to nurture our students to develop a strong, resilient and positive identity in the online world that is reflective of their real life persona. This is achieved through building healthy relationships, both in the real and virtual world, and by making correct choices in their online interactions and decision making.
The guiding principles in the curriculum design are:
- Keep students updated on the latest news and developments relating to Cyber Wellness issues
- Encourages students to make informed choices
- Cultivate healthy and positive habits that enrich their online experiences.
Sexuality Education (SEd)
Do refer to /the-vistarian-experience/character-n-citizenship-education/sexuality-education/
National Education
What is National Education? As a significant aspect of Character and Citizenship Education (CCE), NE comprises a wide range of school efforts that aims to:
- Provide our students with the knowledge, skills and values to understand Singapore’s history, realities and challenges unique to our nation, appreciate our journey to nationhood, cultivate the instincts for survival as a nation, and have confidence in our nation’s future.
- Be empowering and aspirational, allowing for individual sense‐making, to nurture engaged citizens, who aresocially aware, adept at critical thinking, and informed about local, regional and global issues.
- Help our students experience and explore their national identity as Singaporeans and foster a strong sense of belonging, reality, and hope which motivates our students to play a contributory role in their immediate communities and in the nation while they seek to achieve their personal life goals.
Total Defence Day
The school commemorated Total Defence Day on 17 February 2023. The theme for this year’s Total Defence campaign is ‘Together We Keep Singapore Strong’, focusing on food security in Singapore.
International Friendship Day
‘Singapore in Asia’ was the theme for International Friendship Day 2023. This year, the school commemorated IFD on14 April 2023.
Students participated in a KAHOOT Quiz on ASEAN and worked on understanding the aims of ASEAN as well as the role of ASEAN in a globalizing world.
In line with IFD, students think of ways on how they, as a teenager, are able to contribute to the development of Southeast Asia, given some of the local examples provided in the ST IN issue.
Values in Action (VIA) is a Key Student Development Experience (SDE) that aims to nurture socially responsible citizens who contribute meaningfully to the community, through the learning and application of values, knowledge and skills. VIA is designed to engender student ownership and initiative.
Level VIA
Our Secondary 1 students crafted poems as part of an interdisciplinary project with the Literature Department to exemplify the school values. In their poems, students detailed their life experiences where they demonstrated the school values of care and respect. Through this project, our students also developed an appreciation for the arts, and the power of poetry to inspire. Secondary 1 VIA
Striving to improve the lives of migrant workers in Singapore, our Secondary 2 students worked in partnership with It’s Raining Raincoats, an initiative that offers aid to Singapore’s migrant worker community. They ran a school collection drive for migrant workers and collected items that would address migrant workers’ needs. These were later distributed to migrant workers residing at Sungei Tengah Lodge. This was accompanied by thank you notes in which our students expressed appreciation for our migrant brothers’ contributions towards Singapore. Through this project, our students were able to witness the direct impact of their efforts on the lives of migrant workers, and were inspired to do more for the community moving forward.

Our upper secondary students worked on individual class projects to cater to the needs of diverse organization. They worked on providing a direct/indirect service to environment, animal welfare and underprivileged within our society.

Schoolwide VIA
On 20 January 2023, North Vista had our annual Vistarian Road Run! The run was done in conjunction with FairPrice Walk for Rice+ @ South East, an initiative which aims to motivate more people to walk or run for a good cause. We are pleased to announce that as a school, we covered a total distance of 2760 km. This works out to be 9200 bowls of white rice, brown rice and oatmeal which will be donated to underprivileged families in South East District!