Learning for Life Programme
Nurturing Caring Vistarians through Arts and Design
The aims of Learning for Life Programme is to provide students with authentic and meaningful experiences to develop values and 21 CC. The Life Long Learning Programme in NV is designed in alignment to our School Vision - Vistarians of Character who learn, strive and contribute for a better future.
Through the platforms of photography and videography, students will appreciate different perspectives, learn communication skills, and empathise with others through creative and inventive thinking. We strive to provide opportunities to help students deepen their skills in photography and videography, thereafter contribute in the production of Storyboard/Videos/Short-films that will help to promote school values.
Artworks by Students
Secondary 1 Visual Poetry - Collaboration Literature Unit and LLP : ‘Telling Stories through Photo Narratives’. Students create photo narratives from chosen Poem. The Poem written by students, evoked sentiments of school values.

Poem : Let’s Respect Mother Earth together
Let us all do our part to save the Earth
Together we shall help each other!
When we see litter
Let’s pick it up and let the floor shine like glitter
Come on everyone,
Let’s do our part to show some respect for Mother Earth!
Clean up after yourself, be responsible
If you don’t, the mess will be as smelly as a skunk
Let us all show respect to the cleaners
As they do their best to make the world a better place
We only have Mother Earth to call our own
Let’s be responsible!
Let’s slow down global warming
To save the artic animals
Let’s all respect Mother Earth!
Written by: Yeo Jun Yu Ayden , 1E1 Value: Respect+Responsibility

Poem : The Ripple Effect of Kindness
A lonely boy walked alone
He was known to few
Walking along the corridor
All he did was count the doors
He was like a small helpless mouse
How he wished he wasn’t in a mess right now
It was a sunny day
Until the bully came
Hurtful words were thrown at the boy
Leaving him in tears and fear
Tears rolled down his face
Like water droplets on a rainy day
It felt like even the doors were mocking him
The boy felt helpless with nobody to turn to
Suddenly a hand reached out
Comforting words were spoken
The voice was calm and the words were kind
The boy grew more resilient
The grey clouds above him disappeared
He ignored the bullies and stood up for himself
It was a girl
Her smile was warm as the sun
She was a dream
A true blessing
She gave him hope in dark times
He picked himself up again
Caring does not cost a penny
A tiny act of kindness
Could pick someone up from their darkest moments
And brighten their day
Written by: Yuxin, 1N1 Value: Care + Resilience
Artworks by Students
Secondary 2 Mobile Videograhy - Collaboration Art Unit and LLP :‘Values in Action’. Students created short film base on School Values (Care, Respect, Responsibility, Resillience) using their Mobile and Personal Learning Device.
Sec 2 Videography Project ‘Values in Action’
Title: CARE
Title: PRANK